

JOCV (Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers) aim at improvement of B.H.N.(Basic Human Needs) - means water, food, medical treatment and education - and environmental preservation. They are the origin of international cooperation activity. Volunteers live in developing countries and try their best for improvement of living condition of the native together. That is to say mottos of volunteers are a grass-roots assistance and advance into the interior.
AAS (Aichi Asia Scholarship) is a scholarship system for Asian countries where JOCV act. In these countries, volunteers see severe circumstances. They are too poor to enter school for their children, for instance.
But the children live cheerful and strongly, helping each other and their parents.
"We would like to do something for brave children. What can we do ?" AAS starts from that mind.
Now AAS sends children in Nepal about 1000 yen every month for school
expenses and their living. A fund is used effectively. Scholars are chosen from many-sided, a composition, a record and the will to study and so on. They need recommendations from a volunteer there and a principal as well.
On "AAS NEWS" we can give you a report from scholars and activity of AAS committee, if you approve. We would like you to cooperate with AAS fund and a bazaar.

Japan is a crew of starship "The Earth".
 It can not sail for the future if the crew do not love and do not
help each other.
Could you see the other crews now?
Could you hear the voice of serious heart from the children
who make their country in the time to come.

©Hidehiko Mizuno